Arkansas Air Museum and “Mister Mulligan” – Fayetteville AR

            The Arkansas Air Museum is a popular visiting spot for both locals and vacationers. Located at Drake Field in a vintage wooden hanger, it houses and eclectic collection of vintage aircraft both flyable and proud “hanger queens’.
My particular favorite is the Howard DGA-6 “Mister Mulligan” of 1934 vintage. It was the only plane designed from the ground up to compete in the popular air races of the time such as the Bendix Trophy” which was held annually. Ben Howard and Gordon Israel, the designers, created the air craft to fly the entire length of the race non-stop and at high altitude. Neither of these ideas had been done before in air racing craft. Mister Mulligan not only won the Bendix Trophy but changed the way long distance aircraft were to be designed in the future.
Camera Settings: Cannon XSI, unknown
Location: 4290 S. School Road Ave. Fayetteville AR 72701 (479) 521-4947

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