Blue Springs Heritage Center - Eureka Springs AR

                The beautiful circular spring seen in the photo background maintains a year around temperature of 54 degrees, and has a maximum flow of 38,000,000 gallons of water every 24 hours.
                  The depth of the spring is 510 feet and it is believed that part of the springs water comes from underground flow originating in the Pacific Northwest!

                 The circular pool is 70 feet wide at the surface and the structure tapers to about 2 1/4 feet at the bottom.

                The spring is also the home of many happy rainbow trout! It is well worthy of your time to visit this isolated and lovely garden setting.

Camera Settings: Canon XSI, None available.
Post Processing: Photomatrix Pro 5.1
Location: Blue Springs Heritage Center, 1537 County Road 210, Eureka Springs AR 72632 Ph: 479-253-9244


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