Butterfield Overland Mail Company

Fitzgerald Station - Butterfield Overland Mail Company
Stone Barn - Springdale AR

This dilapidated old stone barn located at the once Fitzgerald Station on the farmstead of the same name was a stopping place for coaches of the Butterflied Overland Mail Company that moved mail and paying travelers from St. Louis to San Francisco beginning in 1858. One of many the barn and station provided a place to change tired horse teams and to give customers a chance to stretch their legs and get a quick bite to eat while the tired horse team was unhitched and a fresh team from the barn was hitched up and readied for the next trail section. The complete trip from St Louis to San Francisco was 25 bone jarring days but was state of the art travel then! 
            Many of us have memories of black and white movies of the stagecoach racing to out run the bad guys (black hats) with generally the U.S. cavalry showing up in the nick of time to save the coach and it’s passengers from “a fate worse than death!”

Camera Settings & Post Processing: Canon XSI, f/4, 1/3 sec, ISO 100. Post Processing: Photomatrix 5.1 
Location: 2327 Old Wire Road , Springdale AR 72764 


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