Walker/Stone House - Fayetteville AR

            The Walker /Stone house was built in 1845 by Judge David Walker who sold it  in1850 to Stephan Stone. Stone and his family lived there during and after the Civil War.  During the battle of Fayetteville a solid shot from Fagan’s Confederate Battery in 1864 pierced the west wall of the house. The Walker/Stone house survived the war as did the Rieff House directly across the street.
            Stephan Stone and his wife Amanda Brodie Stone were public spirited citizens and supported the City Hospital, the Methodist Church and the Female Seminary. The Stones daughter Mary was the last graduate of the Female Seminary in 1860.
Camera Settings: Canon XSI, f/3.5, 1/100 sec, ISO 100
Post Processing:  HDR with Photomatrix Pro 5.1
Location: 207 West Center Street, Fayetteville AR


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