The Borden Farm House at Prairie Grove Battlefild State Park


           The rattle of musketry and the sharp crack of canons accompanied by the curses, cries, yells and screams of those caught in the madness of battle has long  been silenced here at the site of the first Archibald Borden farmhouse located in the Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park.
            On December 7, 1862 Confederate forces took up positions along the hilltop and just a few feet from the Borden farm house and awaited the Union forces assault from the valley below the hill. The Borden family had fled some distance to await events with friends.
            The bloody battle raged throughout the day and the house was soon requisitioned as a hospital for the many Confederate wounded. Both forces took heavy causalities and after dark the Confederate forces began a fighting withdrawal to the southeast. As a last action the Confederates set fire to the farm house, outbuildings and orchards.
            Archibald Borden decided in 1871 to rebuild. This building is the second iteration of original historic farm house.
Camera Settings: Canon XSI, f/4, 1/80 sec ISO 100
Post Processing: Photomatrix Pro 5.1

Location: Prairie Grove Battleground State Park, Prairie Grove AR.


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