Layfayette Gregg Home 1871 —Fayetteville AR

    The Gregg House was built by Lafayette Gregg in 1871 and it is unusual in several construction details. The foundation was of large thick sandstone blocks and the outside brick walls are one foot thick. It has two massive chimneys serving eight fireplaces. A separate 1 1/2 story building is attached to the main house by a breezeway. The family referred to it as “the ice house”.  The home is surrounded by an ornamental iron fence shown in the foreground. It is located at 339 N. Gregg St., adjacent to the University.
     In 1835 the Gregg family moved from Moulton, Alabama to Fayetteville where Lafayette grew up on a nearby farm. In his majority he read law and passed the bar and became a prominent local attorney. He commanded the Union’s Fourth Arkansas Cavalry during the Civil War. 
    He is credited with playing the key role in having the University of Arkansas located here in Fayetteville.
Camera Settings: Canon XSI, f/4, 1/400s, ISO 100
Post Processing: Photomatrix Pro 1.5        
Location: On Gregg Avenue off Lafayette St., Fayetteville AR                         


  1. Love your photos. Look forward to seeing more of them.Keep them coming. M

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I will indeed keep them coming!


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